Eden Ashram ships globally. Please find a list of shipping options in the different global regions.

As part of our continued efforts towards being the most efficient eco friendly fashion business we can be, and to minimise wasted resources, we now manufacture all products to order. Most orders are dispatched within 5 working days of the order being placed and we then use premium shippers to get you your items quickly. Approx global transit times are detailed below.
United Kingdom
Standard (3-5 Working days)
Mainland Europe (E.U)
Standard :(7-10 Working days)
UPS : (3-5 Working days)
United States
Standard : (7-10 Working days)
UPS: (3-4 Working days)
Rest of the World
UPS: 7-10 (Working days)
Please note that transit times are a general guide to transit times to these locations near a major city/hub. Please also add the production lead time to produce your items. Rural locations outside cities may have longer delivery times. Delivery times may differ during public holidays. Customers are responsible for ensuring they comply with all customs rules and regulations for any import clearance duties/taxes. Please liaise with your local customs office on any queries relating to this before placing an order. Any international orders refused or returned undelivered will incur a non-delivery charge to cover original delivery and return costs.